Rabu, 11 Januari 2012

E M O S I ! ! !

gak ada basa-basi. intinya gue emosi! sumpah!
saking emosinya gak bisa keukur lagi!
entah bagaimana hilangin emosinya.
i wanna shout and i'm sure that will scare everyone around me.
usually i always play my role as a nice one.
thanks to him, now i cant handle my emotion. and it's make me feel so dizzy! -____-

"Sekarang saya mengerti kenapa mantanmu bisa begitu."

wait, what? you understand?! how could you understand!? who do you think you are, Mister?! Never underestimate the pain of a person,because in all honesty, everyone is struggling.Just some people are better at hiding it than others..

Who are you to judge me & the life I live? I'm not perfect & don’t claim to be, but before you point fingers, make sure your hands are clean! and Unless you've lived my life, don't judge me. You don't know, never have & never will know every little detail about me!!!

My life. My choices. My problems. My mistakes. My lessons. Not your business. Mind your own problems before you talk about mine.

Don't get my personality and my attitude twisted, Because my personality is ME, and my attitude depends on YOU!

Don’t make me mad then tell me to calm down. That’s like shooting someone and then wondering why they’re bleeding

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