Sabtu, 08 Mei 2010

my busy life

halah... judul sok banget...

tapi emang sih belakangan ini hidup gue rasanya jauh lebih sibuk dibandingkan kemarin-kemarin.

1. sekarang lagi sibuk-sibuknya menjelang uas
2. ortu gue minta gue ikut SNMPTN ulang. hupfh...
3. gue gabung dengan salah satu ukm
4. event kampus yang makin menumpuk

tapi jujur, gue seneng kok dengan hidup gue yang sibuk ini. setidaknya kalau dong pergi kerja lagi gue jadi bisa agak sedikit lupa... :')

tulisan gue gaje lagi... ^^a


mau ngejar deadline 12 mei 2010! heh? 12?!?!

harus bisa selesai biar bisa 11 bulanan! ><

hwaitingggggg~~~!!! \>

Kuis iseng yang gue ikutin : "What kind of mask do you wear?"

Your mask is pain. For some reason or another you just can't seem to find a positive outlook on life. You get angry when people try to relate with how you feel, because you're convinced they won't understand. Deep down you know there should be a million reasons for peop...le to want to get to know you, but you often find yourself closing yourself off from those around you. You have your select friends, but can't help but want something more. You find opening up difficult, but you do find your ways to let things out. You have your good days, but even through the good times, you feel like there is always going to be those feelings that don't sit right.